5 Books to Boost Your Mental Toughness

Books are a great escape – they bring us to places and expose us to thoughts we usually have difficulty putting into words. Reading books – whether fiction or not – sends us to areas of self-discovery that help solidify emotions and decisions we usually struggle with. Several books have helped me through tough times – providing companionship and a morale boost that builds mental resilience. Here’s a compilation of the books I (and other people!) have found to be incredible reads!

Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown

Image from Penguin Random House

A Ted Talk speaker, Brene Brown holds a Ph.D. as a researcher and has poured many of her learnings into this book. Rising Strong looks into what makes people resilient and provides a pathway for her readers to build and resonate resiliency within themselves. The book’s author touches on important aspects of resiliency – and how asking for help is an aspect of mental toughness. It’s a compelling read and with more books by Dr. Brown further touching on human behavior, Rising Strong is a great introduction for this author!

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

Image from Simon & Schuster

Duckworth is a psychologist who draws on personal and professional experience to present a compelling case for “focused persistence” or grit. Making a case for consistency, Duckworth talks about how talent is far from being the prime characteristic that differentiates successes from the average. Here, the author talks about what she learned in her interviews with people who are considered successes in their field.

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Image from Wikipedia

A bestselling author, in this book Gladwell walks us through the magic of 10,000 hours and dives deep into how the household names we know today aren’t exactly on top through sheer talent. From Bill Gates to the Beatles – Gladwell digs deep into what makes Outliers – Outliers, and how this translates into our consequences. A good read, Outliers give us that needed understanding to carry on with our dreams.

Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life – Martin E.P. Seligman

Image from Amazon UK

What’s stopping us from reaching for the stars? For most people – it’s the sheer negativity of that voice inside your head. While these thoughts make compelling arguments, they shouldn’t be allowed to lead the conversation. In Learned Optimism, Selgiman walks us through the practice of optimism – and how it can be learned. Seligman draws on his 20 years’ worth of clinical research and gives readers a well-written pattern for creating that shift from “I give up” to “I can do it.”

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

Image from Rakuten Kobo

This might seem like a weird addition to the list, but Marie Kondo’s book touches on resiliency issues that we often forget about. Providing detailed information on organizing, categorizing, and identifying items that spark joy – Kondo’s book has applications beyond decluttering magic. It’s a lesson of consistency and discipline fueled by things that spark joy.

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Chiara Marie Trinidad
Chiara Marie Trinidad
Chiara is a writer first and a lawyer second. Her main areas of interest include self-improvement, gardening, and animals. In her spare time, she likes to go on long walks with the dogs, read, and continue her search for the best matcha latte.