How to ‘Marie Kondo’ your life

Being synonymous with tidying up, Marie Kondo has developed a basic yet effective way of decluttering known as the KonMari Method. The essence of this method lies in the encouragement to surround ourselves with the things that only bring us joy and say goodbye to those that have served their purpose already. But this decluttering method is not only applicable to your household or office – you can basically do this in your life in general.

Envision your ideal lifestyle

Paint a picture in your mind of the life that you would want. What does it look like? How does it make you feel? Are you happy with it? Do you find peace in it? After you have a clear vision, make sure to commit to making it a reality.

Organize your phone

It’s a fact that we use our phone every single day and we use it for different purposes. If your gallery is packed with thousands of photos, you can either choose to upload them in an album or store them in a drive. Delete duplicates and choose the best ones only. Make digital albums in your gallery depending on the events so it will be easier for you to take a trip back to memory lane. Do not forget to empty your Recently Deleted folder for added phone memory space.

Delete the applications which you barely use as well. You can also organize your applications according to social media, utilities, productivity, education and etc. Organize your daily, weekly, and monthly schedules by using your Reminders and Calendar applications, and don’t forget to save important phone numbers.

Declutter your home, office, and even your wardrobe

Start by decluttering via categories and assess if that item still brings you joy. Express your gratitude for the item and let it go. You can either choose to donate or sell them as well. The same goes for your wardrobe. If the clothing does not fit you anymore, why is it still hanging in there?

Declutter your mind mentally and emotionally

Do a self-assessment of your mental and emotional state. Clear your mind by engaging in mindfulness and meditation. You can practice expressing and organizing your thoughts through journaling and letting go of the things of which you have no control. By this, you will lighten your mind and heart

Manage your time

You are precious and so is your time. Avoid saying yes to rush appointments, if possible, and prioritize yourself.   While it is important to accomplish specific tasks, taking care of yourself and having that much-needed rest is also crucial.

Having an organized lifestyle speaks volumes about your personality. Keeping things, people, and ideas that are close to your heart is what sparks positivity in your life. Throw away the things that do not spark happiness in you, especially negative thoughts, and watch your life turn for the best.

Photo from pexels.

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Sherizze Sean Acot
Sherizze Sean Acot
Sherizze, a Communication Arts graduate, writer, TV presenter, visual artist, and professional model, aims to maximize her full potential by taking on different platforms to share her passions and inspire others to do the same. Art, books and chocolate make this self-confessed philomath's world go round.