Why is back pain prevalent among employees in Dubai?

Lower back pain is a problem that affects a large percentage of the population. Around 84 percent of adults suffer from lower back pain at some point. In Dubai, however, lower back pain seems to be higher, with around 60 percent of residents affected by persistent pain. According to Dr. Nick Shamie, who is a Professor of Orthopaedic, back pain in the UAE is likely caused by several factors such as lack of physical exercise, higher BMI, osteoporosis, and the advancing age of its residents.

If ignored, back pain can severely affect how employees approach day-to-day tasks. The pain can be so intense that they cannot work or even move! Fortunately, there are ways to solve this problem.

Avoid being stationary all day

Back problems happen when you allow yourself to be stationary for long periods. Sitting for long hours at work is usually the culprit – which is why standing up and performing stretches every few hours or so is advisable. Simple stretches can promote circulation, prevent the muscles from cramping, and offer much-needed relief from the strain.

Get an ergonomic chair

An ergonomic chair encourages the body to follow a body-friendly posture. It will be slightly expensive – but the investment is worth it as you enjoy pain-free days at work. Note that an ergonomic chair only helps – you still have to make the decision to maintain proper posture consciously.

Get some vitamin D

Vitamin D is scientifically proven to help with bone health. Children who lack this vitamin tend to develop a health condition called rickets which can cause bowed legs and skeletal problems. Even with adults, however, insufficient vitamin D can weaken the bones and alter a person’s posture. Over time, the weakened bones can cause strain on the muscles, pinch the nerves, and lead to chronic pain. To prevent this from happening, you must ensure you get enough sun during the day or take vitamin D supplements.

Keep a heat patch on hand

A heat pad can help relax the muscles and relieve stress or strain on the body. You can find electronic heat patches conveniently plugged in for 5 minutes or so before placing them on sore muscles. Pain resulting from inflammation of the muscles is best treated with ice.

Do exercises for posture

Certain exercises are incredibly effective in helping individuals correct and maintain good posture. There’s planking, squats, cat cow, and other yoga positions – all of which can stretch the muscles and strengthen the core. This contributes to balance and reduces pain.

Maintain a healthy weight

Added body weight strains the musculoskeletal system – leading to persistent pain. This is especially true for people who are identified as obese according to their BMI. In this situation, losing weight is the best way to reduce persistent back pain.

Back pain is not just a part of aging that you’ll have to endure. It is a condition that happens because of several factors – and those factors are well within your control. With the right approach, back problems are something you can address naturally!

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Celine Francisco
Celine Francisco
Celine fuses her passion for marketing and mental health to write stories that matter. In her spare time, you'll catch her watching the latest K-dramas, poring over a nice book, and going on food trips.