What lessons can we learn from being in quarantine?

It has been nearly a month since world leaders ordered lockdowns and community quarantines in their respective countries. To prevent the virus from spreading further, curfews have been imposed, airports shut and borders have been closed. It’s a very difficult time for everyone. However, I’m also a firm believer that in every challenge or difficulty that we face, there is always a lesson to be learned. So what exactly is this quarantine period trying to teach us?

The importance of unity

The current pandemic we’re dealing with is a threat to us all. It doesn’t discriminate by color, race or creed. It’s not just an individual battle, it’s global. This disease does not care if you’re pro or anti-government. It affects us all, and it is therefore imperative that we all band together in order to survive this. Everybody needs to do their part.

It teaches us to respond with obedience

The best way we can do our part in fighting this pandemic is by complying with the public orders for our own safety. If you’re not a frontliner, stay home. We need to listen to the safety precautions and guidelines set by your LGUs (Local Government Units) and local health workers in the community. This is a difficult time for everyone, but if we are to flatten the curve, we all need to comply. The more people comply, the sooner we can get this over with and the sooner our lives can go back to normal. The citizens and residents in the UAE are a very good example of this. After the government issued the orders, the people complied. No riots. No looting.

It teaches us to watch after our health

We take our health for granted a lot of times. Not sleeping enough, not having enough rest, eating unhealthy food, and not taking vitamins/medicine. Let this pandemic be a grim reminder for us to never take our health or hygiene for granted ever again. Stay healthy and increase your odds of surviving against a disease.

It teaches us to care for others

If you care for your family and friends, stay at home. You may have a strong resistance to the virus, but the people around you may not be so lucky. Don’t be like those kids who went to spring break parties despite health warnings, then came back home with the virus.

It teaches us that material possessions are not that important

Manny Pacquiao’s message hit home for a lot of people. You may have a closet filled with expensive shoes, and bags but right now you can’t really wear them. Got an expensive car, but you can’t drive around. Suddenly, all the material possessions became insignificant. Those will not help to keep you happy during this time. Only family, friends and the wonderful memories you have with them will. They are the only ones that can help you get through these difficult and trying times.

We need a much needed reboot and rest

COVID-19 is the world’s biggest reset button. Our fast-paced and busy lives suddenly brought to a halt. It’s as if the whole world, even nature, is rebooting right now. We used to say that we don’t have time to rest or read a book. Look at us now. Most of us are at home. Suddenly that book on the shelf is no longer gathering dust. We’re now able to spend time with people who matter most, our family. Everyone now has time to rest. Time to try new hobbies while at home, or do something with the family.

It teaches that nothing is permanent

It is a great reminder that everything around us is temporary. Our jobs, our income, way of life can change at any moment. This pandemic has taught me to never take anything for granted again. Reconnect with old friends and family members.

It teaches us to go back to the Lord

I know for sure that everything has a purpose. This is the season where God is knocking on our hearts to turn back to Him. Right now, He is teaching us to trust Him. That the crown He wears is more powerful than the one on the Corona Virus. Let’s seek Him all the more as we fight the battle against an unseen enemy. Power of prayer, a sword of the Spirit and a God who is mighty to save will fight for us. Be in the faith.

Let’s not dwell in fear. Let’s dwell in light and hope. For this too shall pass. May we all learn important lessons from this dark period in our lives. Let’s not take anything for granted. Hopefully, the next time we face something of this magnitude again, we’ll be ready.

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Rona Jaudian
Rona Jaudianhttps://www.ronxjdiaries.com/blog
Rona is an entrepreneur, a b/vlogger and an aspiring singer. She wants to inspire people through her experiences as an expat, but also by sharing insights and life-changing words of God.