Money Hacks: How to secure birth certificates for an expat baby in Dubai

Congratulations on becoming a first-time parent! Preparing for the arrival of a new baby can be exciting but also overwhelming. As first-time parents in Dubai, baby expenses is one of the most important things a parent needs to take care of. Here’s one money hacks tip on how to secure birth certificates for an expat baby in Dubai.

Birth Notification

Did you know that when a baby is born in Dubai, the hospital only provides a birth notification document? The hospital requires few documents from the baby’s parents including passport copies and attested marriage certificates. After this, the hospital will provide a birth notification form where the parent will need to mention the name of the newborn baby. Once done, the hospital administrator will then register that into the system directly uploading it to the government Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP).

A copy of the birth notification document will then be provided to the parent when they check out of the hospital. From this point on, the parent has 2 options: pay and get the birth certificate processed from an agency or save the processing fee by simply following the below simple steps.

Here’s the step-by-step guide to securing birth certificates for an expat baby in Dubai

Step 1: Once the birth notification is registered, an SMS will be received from MOHAP to the registered mobile number provided. Just fill up some details online using the birth notification registration number and then make the payment. At the time I applied, the total charged amount came to 131.68dhs including delivery. Took about 2days before I received the birth certificates, one in Arabic and one in English.

Step 2: As with all the other legal documents in UAE, attestation of the birth certificate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is required. This procedure is also as simple as filling out a form online under the MOFA website. Document pick-up and delivery are already a part of this online procedure and are so efficient. After completing the payment online which is 184.17dhs at the time of writing, the document was picked up the next day, and the attested birth certificate was received back after 2 days.

Hope this article provided some useful insights and help you save some dirhams in the future.

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Oliver Tan
Oliver Tan
'OTan' works full-time as a senior software engineer in Dubai. Travel, sports, cars, food and leisure explorations are among his hobby aside from LEGO and mobile gaming. Believes life is all about eXperiences: without borders, limitless Destinations.