There’s bravery in staying grateful in the midst of chaos

Our company, being in Hospitality & F&B sector is probably one of those who are really affected by the pandemic. For the last 10 months, with an indefinite timeline, we get a pay cut every salary. In this circumstance, the excitement of the incoming salary isn’t there anymore. Whenever the end of the month is coming, instead “Yehey, payday!” you can hear almost everyone saying “Whew, reduced salary… again.

But yesterday, someone in the office made a difference.

Our office boy who probably has the lowest salary among us (not to mention, he’s not exempted from pay cut) bought everyone in the office an ice cream. He was cheerfully saying “HAPPY SALARY DAY!” loudly while giving his treats to each of us.

I nearly cried out of shame.

How come this person in the midst of chaos had the courage to remain grateful? How come he sees light while most of us are always gloomy and disappointed? I envy and admire him at the same time. I want that kind of gratefulness, I really do.

To whomever is reading this, how is your heart today?

I hope and pray that just like my colleague, we all find the courage to remain grateful and appreciate what and who we have instead of what and who we don’t have.


“There’s bravery in staying grateful in the midst of chaos.” 

Indeed, having a grateful heart will never let us fall apart.

At the end of the day, sadness is an option but happiness is always a choice.

Photo from unsplash

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Chok Guerra
Chok Guerra
Writer/Author. An Entrepreneur by heart and an HR by profession. An aspiring philanthropist and a forever servant of God.