Quitting can be joyful

It is normal to be sad when you call it quits, but to be burdened by it for the rest of your life is not fair to yourself.

Be it in a career or relationship, to quit can be devastating especially when you have done everything to preserve the relationship or to contribute unselfishly in the workplace.

To stay put in what already has become a toxic environment is to live a second-hand life, dictated by social demands where society expects you to love ‘purely’ and to act accordingly at the expense of not living your own life. People are generally afraid of social humiliation; yet, this is nothing but a mindset. Your life is your own and to live with what the others have to say robs you of your potential for greatness.

When you decide to finally quit after giving your all, then you are protecting yourself from further harm. Crossing the bridge of self-enrichment without bitterness becomes a favorable option.

Adjust your spending habits, learn more skills, adapt the “create-risk-invest with careful planning” mindset, put your creativity to the fore, and you will be surprised how capable you indeed are when faced with challenges and an astonishing amount of self-belief.

You only have one life, and quitting isn’t wrong.

In fact, quitting can be joyful.

Photo from unsplash

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Dr. Rex Bacarra
Dr. Rex Bacarrahttps://www.rexbacarra.com
One of the most influential educators in Dubai, Dr. Rex Bacarra’s way of teaching is considered transformative rather than cliched academic. He is the most sought-after resource when it comes to fallacies of life, the phenomenology of love, history of mankind, and outside the box thinking.