In a world full of mess, be the message

2020 has been a series of unfortunate events. It started off with regional tension in the Middle East, followed by a volcanic eruption, and now COVID-19 pandemic. Fear and tension have taken hold. It is a mess out there. However, in the midst of all this chaos, in a world full of mess, we can still choose to be the message. The kind that this world needs right now. The kind that will keep spirits up, and hopes high during these trying times.

Even though some of us are not able to contribute materially in the fight against this pandemic, we can still do little things for others that can go a long way.

Be the light and positivity

Fake news and depressing articles continue to mess up social media. Some of them may be factual, others a bit exaggerated. You’ll see a lot of people become experts overnight. Don’t be one of them. Don’t even try to engage with them. Everyone has the right to express their thoughts, no matter how absurd it is sometimes. Focus on the bright side and if you are to post, share something inspiring and encouraging. Trust me, a little inspiration goes a long way.

Express gratitude over worry

Daily and evening news is filled with reports about deaths and losses. How about we change that? We already know how this pandemic is choking the life out of us. Why not look at what we still have? Instead of focusing on things that will make us worry, let’s be thankful that we are still alive. We still have food on our table, a roof above our heads. Some of us still get help from our relatives, a complete family. Prayers from our spiritual family and a God that will never forsake us.

Be the voice of sympathy and empathy.

As you approach a family member, friend, neighbor or stranger, be sensitive to their feelings and needs. A simple gesture like “Hi, how are you? I hope everything’s well with you and your family.” Or a quick conversation will somehow brighten up their day. Show them that you care. Show genuine empathy and be compassionate. We all need each other’s arms to carry on and move forward. Let’s be kind to everyone.

“Let your words be a source of light that it overflows to people around you.”

Rona Jaudian

Be a prayer warrior.

Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have, especially during this time. We may seem to think that these things are hard to get over, a heavy burden and an impossible battle. But, through prayer, nothing is impossible. May we always go back to the One who is in control and the ruler of all. Let God take over.

Pray with your family, pray for a friend, pray for our country, pray for the economy, pray about the crisis to soon end, pray for the leaders of our country and pray for the world. A simple prayer can bring a great breakthrough. 

Just so you know, we have our battles aside from the crisis we are facing in the background. Our words can make or break a soul. Be mindful and considerate about the feelings of others. Be intentional in sharing positive thoughts and prayers.

Be kind. Share love and light.

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Rona Jaudian
Rona Jaudian
Rona is an entrepreneur, a b/vlogger and an aspiring singer. She wants to inspire people through her experiences as an expat, but also by sharing insights and life-changing words of God.