15 things I learned in the midst of my suffering

So many unfortunate things are happening all over the world and probably there are so many people around us who are suffering and fighting their own silent battles without us knowing. If you are one of those, this is for you.

Here are 15 things I’ve learned in the midst of my suffering:

  1. You’re going to want to give up but don’t. The easier path always leads us nowhere.
  2. Voice out. Quit holding back, say what you need to even if you make a bad out of yourself at least you know you tried.
  3. Listen to others but filter what to believe. Other people’s opinions do not define who you are. Don’t let what they say about you get you down.
  4. It’s okay to be not okay as long as you don’t stay not being okay. Stop putting on an act for everyone. You don’t have to pretend every moment you’re around people to be happy. That might just damage yourself even more.
  5. Acknowledge your feelings. Your mood is going to go up and down. Let it. Feel whatever you’re feeling.
  6. Rest. It’s okay to take a few days off work for your mental health, you come first, work second.
  7. You are not your depression or anxiety. It does not define you. There is so much more to you than the mess inside your head. You are stronger than that.
  8. Choose your circle wisely. Not everyone’s intentions are good. Always remember that.
  9. Be sensitive but don’t be vulnerable. Never wear your heart on your sleeve, unless you want to get taken for granted.
  10. Get up even when you don’t want to. Get in the shower. Push yourself a little harder. Life goes on.
  11. Just cry. Stop being so ashamed of your emotions. Let it out. If you feel like you’re needing to hold it back, you’re probably with the wrong people.
  12. Nobody is perfect. Don’t beat yourself up too much over one wrong decision you’ve made. You are doing the best you can and that is more than enough.
  13. Take Risk. Try not to let fear paralyze you too much. Life is about taking chances.
  14. Pray. When you are happy, pray. When you are sad, pray. When you are thankful, pray. When you are in pain, pray. When you are scared, pray. Pray in such a way that it scares what is scared within you.
  15. Stand up again. Fall 7 times stand up 8. There will be tons of times we are going to fall down but at the end of the day, what matters is that we decided to stand up again and again and again.

I may not know what exactly you are going through today but I do hope that you never gave up in the hope that everything gets better.

Always believe in yourself.

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Chok Guerra
Chok Guerra
Writer/Author. An Entrepreneur by heart and an HR by profession. An aspiring philanthropist and a forever servant of God.