10 Monday morning habits to combat work week blues

Is Monday morning your least favorite part of the week? Does a sluggish start prevent your workweek from being as efficient and effective as it could be?

American research shows that two-thirds of people dislike Mondays, according to Yahoo Finance. The good news is you can take some basic steps to help jumpstart your workweek and beat the Monday morning blues.

1. Wake up 15 minutes earlier 

Forbes explains that rushing in the morning can cause anxiety, mental drain, and lower productivity.

Climbing out of bed 15 minutes earlier on Monday provides more time for your kids, pets, and home. In turn, that provides more “me time” for:

  • Longer bath/shower
  • Light workout
  • Yoga/meditation  
  • inspirational podcast
  • Healthy breakfast

2. Attempt to be positive and upbeat

Yes, “rainy days and Mondays,” are tough. Try to avoid people giving off bad vibes, according to WorkItDaily.com. Instead, surround yourself with optimistic people.

3. Eat (the right) breakfast

Breakfast should be “satisfying and balanced” to get proper hunger/fullness signals during the day, according to nutrition therapist Elyse Resch.  

Wait to eat breakfast when you’re hungry. You’ll be less likely to eat unhealthy food during the day due to an early morning meal.

4. Focus on personal development

Lifehack.org reports that highly successful workers get motivated early Monday morning. Personal development on Monday can help. Options include:

  • Inspirational videos
  • Motivational speakers
  • Personal development books/e-books

Consider the habit of what Tony Robbins refers to as a “power hour.”

5. Start and maintain a routine

A structure can provide more freedom than restriction, according to Inc. Consistency can help reduce the negative effects of fast-changing environments. 

A Monday morning schedule can create  a healthy balance to enhance your:

  • Focus
  • Concentration
  • Mood

6. Jot down a few daily priorities

Monday AM activities like morning jogs can trigger your creativity. Note your top two or three priorities for the day to work smarter. 

Research shows that setting priorities helps workers score 25% higher on performance, according to Forbes.

7. Make a Monday to-do list on Friday

Here’s the reason. Everything you need to complete will be top of mind, so you should do it before the weekend starts, according to RealSimple.com

You can also avoid brainstorming Monday morning about leftover projects from the previous week. Start a step ahead!

8. Get physically active

Consider making this habit a daily one. Exercise provides energy and oxygen to the body and brain.  How do a pre-workday stronger body and sharper mind sound?

Don’t worry–no gym membership is needed. You can do bodyweight exercises like:

  • Pushups/Planks
  • Crunches
  • Jumping Jacks

9. Evaluate your feelings

Inc.com suggests that you “hit the pause button” Monday morning. For example, think about something we do without thinking: breathing.  

Focus on your feelings. You don’t have to deal with them, but just acknowledge they exist. 

10. Keep your work phone off over the weekend

Yes, apps to promote good habits can improve your professional life.

Medium.com suggests, however, switching off your phone on Friday to leave work-related problems–well, at work.

Can’t using your iOS or Android smartphone give a head start on next week’s work? Yes, but it can also be quite toxic.  Repeatedly checking your email can blur the lines between your work and home life. The result can be anxiety.


As many Monday memes suggest, the first day of the workweek can be quite challenging. Changing what you do and how you think on Monday can help.

Try to create a new belief system about Mondays. Think of it as another day–bringing challenges and opportunities!

Featured image courtesy of Pexels/Christina Morillo

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Steve Pak
Steve Pak
Steve has racked up over 20 years of content writing experience. Combines his love for writing and expat lifestyle through telecommuting. Stays centered through eco-tourism, foodie adventures, and retro music.