Why do we need stretching exercises before and after workout 

Working out is critical to staying healthy, but your body might be better adapted to a workout routine if you do a little stretching. Anyone who wants to maintain independence and mobility would need stretching exercises. You should do these daily before and after a workout for various reasons. 

Are you thinking of simply skipping over the stretching part? Well, no one can blame you if you want to shorten the workout part, but you must stretch. 


What the experts say about stretching exercises 

The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) says stretching helps the body improve its range of motion. It does so as it boosts the flexibility of the tendons, muscles, and connective tissues. NASM adds that as the body achieves musculotendinous flexibility, it reduces muscle fiber trauma and muscle energy absorption. These, in turn, reduce the risk of tendon injury, which is already one good reason to break out into mobility exercises. 

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends stretching each muscle group for 60 seconds or more. These can be broken into 10 to 30 seconds per set at one time or done at once. It is normal to feel mild discomfort, especially when you’re only starting, but you should listen to your body and stop if you feel intense or sharp pain. The ACSM adds that all types of stretching, whether calf, shoulder, hamstring, or back stretches, should be controlled and slow while maintaining a proper breathing technique.

Reasons to stretch before your workout 

Research shows that pre-workout static stretching can increase the capabilities of the tendons and muscles to absorb energy. Several researchers have found that long-term static stretching done regularly reduces the risk of tendon and muscle injuries. It also cuts down on the recovery time if you get injured. 

It also helps to incorporate dynamic stretches into your warm-up routine before exercising. These types of stretching exercises should be done at a lower intensity. Excellent examples would be walking lunges, butt kicks, leg swings, and brisk walks before a run. While you might start slow, you can intensify the stretching routine later.

Reasons to stretch after your workout 


The best time to get some stretching work in is after working out. Make sure to stretch after you exercise despite your hectic schedule

Experts say the body is more flexible after a workout because of the increased circulation to the joints and muscles. You can get the most out of doing static stretches. 

There are also several benefits of doing stretching exercises after a workout. A study shows these exercises can lessen shoulder and back pain as they help in proper alignment and correct posture. 

Another benefit of post-workout stretching is better circulation to the muscles, allowing them to recover more quickly after grueling exercises. Increased blood flow may also reduce stiffness or soreness. 

Stretching your muscles can lower your stress levels and relieve some of the muscle tension you’re feeling. It encourages the tense muscles to relax to keep you calm. 

Before you work out, take the time to do a few dynamic stretching exercises. Do the same after you’ve sweat it out. Doing so will pay off in the long run in terms of flexibility and reduced risk of injury. 

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Celine Francisco
Celine Francisco
Celine fuses her passion for marketing and mental health to write stories that matter. In her spare time, you'll catch her watching the latest K-dramas, poring over a nice book, and going on food trips.