Sometimes all you need to do is TAP – Think, Act, Pray

In 2015, the UN estimates that as many as 25,000 people lost their lives every day as a result of hunger. That adds up to roughly 9.1 million people who die of starvation each year. But only a few bother to care.

Now, Coronavirus (COVID-19) is killing at least hundreds up to thousands of lives every day and everybody seems to care.

Why? Because humans as we are, we are wired to care even more when it directly impacts us but we care less when it indirectly affects us.

Maybe today’s’ dilemma is a reminder for each one of us that we all fight different battles every day.

If you have the capacity to help, help. Helping doesn’t always have to be monetary. Helping doesn’t need the biggest effort. It can be done even in the smallest act of kindness such as TAP.

Think. Think of anything you could do to make this world less miserable. Big or small, as long as it is something that YOU can do.

Act. Put those thoughts into actions. Do small things today that makes you become better than who you are yesterday.

Pray. Pray for yourself, for your family and love ones but don’t forget to pray for others too.

Pray for the healing of the world in all aspects. God Bless your heart always.

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Chok Guerra
Chok Guerra
Writer/Author. An Entrepreneur by heart and an HR by profession. An aspiring philanthropist and a forever servant of God.