Organic composting solution ComBin now available for all gardening enthusiasts in the UAE

A startup in the UAE called Big Farm Brothers introduces an organic recycling and natural composting solution to households in the UAE. As natural waste management is on the rise, ComBin is working in line with the vision of the UAE government to offer a comprehensive recycling and natural composting alternative to make Dubai a soil-sufficient and green city. 

With a vision to support the local economy and empower household gardening, landscaping and vegetable produce with improved quality of locally produced foods, the homegrown company is urging residents of the UAE to adopt organic ways of living. On making readily available high-quality and authentic soil to the UAE, said,

Organic natural composting is one of the effective ways to grow vegetables that are rich in taste and nutrients.

By managing a considerable amount of natural kitchen waste, households in the UAE can take progressive steps to ensure a more organic and natural harvest in their balconies, lawns, and backyards.

Mr. Vishal Mahajan, Co-Founder of Big Farm Brothers

With a lot of focus on immunity building and clean eating, an organic composting solution enables a more natural way of consuming nutrient-rich produce.

Composting is a powerful process that has the potential to convert all the greenhouse emissions into nutrient-rich soil which nourishes life in itself. This process will enable us to save the greenhouse emissions equivalent to driving around the planet Earth almost 4,629 times.

Shunning the conventional methods of current farming trends, Big Farm Brothers is founded with a vision to completely practice fair trade and adapt to a more natural way of living in a sandy desert like the UAE.  All products available at the newly launched start-up as sourced from trusted farmers who have practiced organic farming for over a decade now.

Mr. Vishal Mahajan, Co-Founder, Big Farm Brothers

Combin is made from a used oil drum with customers which can be placed anywhere in the backyard, garden, parking space, or even on the front lawn.

This will be followed by regular visits by the team to share the organic ingredients by adding advanced culture to enhance the composting mechanism, organic soil minerals, nutrition-rich content, dry waste including dry fallen leaves, discarded wood chips, cardboard, etc. It’s a robust and completely odorless mechanism.

Correlating clean eating and good health, the company urges everyone to adopt a healthy dietary strategy. 

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