Always tempted to buy things you don’t need?

Here are some tips on how to resist unnecessary shopping urges

Living within your means is, perhaps, one of the most challenging things you can do today. Some people who have hefty salaries tend to forget the importance of budgeting. So, they usually end up buying things that they don’t need. And once the money in their bank account is gone, they stress out.

In this day and age, the temptation to buy things that you don’t need is ever-present. Why? Because they are sales and deals all year round. But if you develop good money habits, you will know that there’s no reason to buy crap just because they are on sale. Chances are that the same items will be on sale next month or even next year.

Here are some useful tips on how you can stop yourself from being tempted to buy things that you don’t need.

Find the root cause of your spending problem

No temptation can be cured unless you know the root cause. Ask yourself this question: Why do you buy things that you don’t need? If buying things that you don’t need excites you, then you should know the importance of delayed gratification.

What is delayed gratification?

Delayed gratification, in simple terms, means not buying things on impulse and reaping bigger rewards later on in life.

Here’s an example: You want to buy a branded bag that you do not need because you already have 10 bags in your closet.

Your argument: The bag is on sale and I might not get it at 50 percent off ever again.

How delayed gratification works: The first thing that you need to do is change your mindset. What if there’s an even better sale next year? You might be able to get the bag at a much lower price and you can even save up for it!

Why developing good money habits is important

You know how some people say that change is difficult but it’s also the only constant thing in this world? This idea can also be applied to your money habits. If you’re used to buying things you don’t need then developing good money habits overnight will be difficult for you.

This is why it’s important to set goals and list down the things that you need vs the things that you want. Write down how much money comes in and how much money goes out for your expenses and bills.

Writing everything down will give you a clear picture of the things that you can and cannot afford. And listing down long-term goals will encourage you to save up for more important things.

Discipline is also required when trying to develop good money habits.

Material vs non-material things

Bear in mind that buying things that you don’t need will only make you happy for a short period of time. But what if you save up for experiences like traveling with your friends and family? Wouldn’t this give you more happy memories with your loved ones?

You can also plan your trips ahead and save up for them. This can surely help you become more disciplined when it comes to your money.

Photo by Liza Summer via Pexels

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Camile Heimbrod
Camile Heimbrod
Camille is an entertainment news writer and a Mandarin language professor. She has a penchant for traveling and rescuing animals and she has 3 dogs and 4 cats at home that she's obsessed with.