4 action-packed movies on Netflix to pump your adrenaline

Are you looking for something to raise your adrenaline? Netflix has the best action movies that will increase your pulse and have you sweating like a cardio workout. From original new films to action classics, you can stake your pick amongst flicks with perfectly choreographed fight scenes. Think punches and kicks or bullets flying in the air while bodies hit the floor. Catch yourself on the edge of your seat with these four action-packed movies on Netflix

1. Eraser

  • Released: 1996
  • Director: Chuck Russel
  • Actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vanessa Williams, James Caan
  • Runtime: 114 minutes

Arnold Schwarzenegger is your main man when you’re hankering for a good ol’ action movie. He was the action king once upon a time with True Lies, Terminator, and Predator. His movie Eraser is also another thrilling suspense, action flick. He plays John Kruger, a US Marshall who “erases” witnesses and strips them of their identity so they can safely testify against the bad guys in court. His latest case is to protect Lee Cullen, who gave hi-tech weapon plans to the FBI as they’re chased by bad guys who want to get their digs on these assets. Think over-the-top action where they have to escape by blowing up the place.

2. Air Force One

  • Released: 1997
  • Director: Wolfgang Peterson
  • Actors: Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, Glenn Close
  • Running Time: 124 minutes

Since Harrison Ford made his debut as Han Solo in Star Wars, he made a name in the action scene with movies like Indiana Jones, Clear and Present Danger, and The Fugitive. Air Force One is a must-see high-octane thriller, taking you on an action-packed adventure aboard an aircraft. This plane is one of the best and most secure in the world since it acts as a command center for the President of the United States. Ford plays President James Marshall, who takes up arms when terrorists hijack his plane. He does everything he can to protect his family and team on board.

3. 21 Bridges

  • Released: 2019
  • Director: Brian Kirk
  • Actors: Chadwick Boseman, Sienna Miller, Andre Davis
  • Running time: 99 minutes

As the name suggests, 21 Bridges is set in all the twenty-one bridges of Manhattan. In this movie, the late Chadwick Boseman, known for playing T’Challa in Black Panther, plays a razor-sharp detective. He gets involved in a case tracking a pair of criminals, leaving him no choice but to lock down the bridges in the Big Apple to entrap them. This is a solid Saturday night movie if you’re looking for a burst of energy with a hint of escapism through a tad of bloody violence.

4. Olympus Has Fallen

  • Released: 2013
  • Director: Antoine Fuqua
  • Actors: Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman
  • Running Time: 119 minutes

Watch the very first movie that launched the Olympus series. Olympus Has Fallen, the predecessor of Angel Has Fallen, and London Has Fallen. Gerard Butler plays an indefatigable Secret Service Agent, Mike Banning. He has to fight terrorists who captured the US President inside the White House. Banning has to infiltrate the building to rescue the President in the Oval Office. Along the way, Banning managed to save and free the first son. This has the right amount of drama and suspense, making you feel surprisingly good as the bad guys, and all the traitors are revealed in the end.

Featured image courtesy of Unsplash/freestocks

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Hannah Victoria Wabe
Hannah Victoria Wabe
Hannah has an MA in Development Communication, which shows just how much she loves and believes in the power of words. She works part-time as a writer and educator but works full-time as a mother of three kids. Though she’s not a big fan of math, she believes in counting blessings and imbibes an attitude of gratitude.